Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Swing Kids

Swing Kids

This movie was about a group of young adults who had a great passion for music and dancing during the rough times of WWII. It was a group of close-knit group of teenagers, in Nazi Germany, who listened and danced to banned swing music from the U.S. using this passion for music and dancing as an escape from reality, until they’re morality is challenged when they’re forced to become the new Nazi Youth. Thomas and Peter were really close friends and when the Nazis forced the members of the Swing group to attend Nazi school, Peter was the one who really took a turn for the worst. When he started to betray his best friend and his family was when the audience notices the failure at keeping his moral code. I can relate to this situation in a way when my friends betray me for other people, people who have ‘something better to offer.’ In my opinion, it’s shallow and disappointing to see a person leave their friend behind for someone who has materialistic benefits. I’ve learned to call people out when they decide to leave me behind, and I will speak my mind whether they like it or not.

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