Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Righteous Gentiles

Righteous Gentiles

When the class was assigned to research certain people, it didn’t exactly register why we were looking up these specific people until we read the biographies and why they were so significant. During the time period of the Holocaust, there were people who cared enough to save and protect many Jewish lives throughout the world. I couldn’t believe the extremes people would go through to save other people’s lives; the righteous gentiles who put their lives at risk to save others, and that is just one reason why they are righteous. There were many different scenarios presented where I could have never imagined in my wildest dreams. Some saved the Jewish people in graves, some in churches, some in the hay in the back barn, and many more crazy places. But these people who saved the Jewish lives will forever be thanked; the Talmud says, "He who saves one life saves the world." Who knows what the saved people have accomplished, or what differences they’ve made in the world. The righteous gentiles truly have a heart of gold, and are truly Righteous Among the Nations.

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