Friday, January 6, 2012

The Shawl

The Shawl

By: Cynthia Ozick

After reading The Shawl, I had come to a realization that all people have a protector of some sort. In The Shawl, there were several protectors that may not have been as apparent as the old rag. In my opinion I saw the love of a mother as a protector, I saw the will power as a protector, I saw the hope as a protector; all of these factors contributed to living a longer life, and a way of defeating the horrid soldiers. For an adult the knowledge of what will power may be and how to find a way to fight against the evil force is clear. Although Magda was only a baby and didn’t understand such concepts, she had her mother’s love and her mother’s scarf to mentally and physically protect her; but because the scarf was taken she was shown to the officers and killed. Magda’s mother has so much love that it really helped nurture Magda; the love gave Magda reassurance everything was alright. Magda was too young to understand what death was and that it was coming her way, but her mother’s love blinded her from horror. Magda was Rosa’s reason to keep on living; if it weren’t for Magda, I feel that Rosa wouldn’t have had the will power to keep on going as she had with Magda by her side. After Magda’s death, Rosa wanted to keep living showing the soldiers she wasn’t giving up, she was going to survive and win the battle.

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