Monday, January 9, 2012

The In Crowd

The In Crowd

By: John Stossel

I'd like to start off by stating how John Stossel did a fantastic job researching and presenting social injustices. When I saw this documentary it reminded me of myself in elementary school all the way up to high school. I admit to being bullied because of my obesity, lack of fashion knowledge, and many other things, but I also admit to bullying others because it looked ‘cool.’ It took a while until I got my reality check and when I got it, it was like a big slap across my face. I realized I had become the mean person who bullied me, I realized that everyone has some sort of a problem that they can’t control-just like my eating habits, and I shouldn’t be making fun of them. I have been fixing myself and all I want to be is a better person. I don’t want to be a bully; I don’t want to be mean, because deep down inside it doesn’t feel like me. The In Crowd shows how much bullying affects one life and how some can really hurt themselves or even others because of it. I feel like bullying on such a small scale can lead to a larger scale if it isn't taken care of. Schools should definitely do a better job monitoring bullying incidents, and the victim of the bullying should report immediate abuse to one they can trust so the problem can be taken care of.

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